Posts by brycet

Skin to Skin

Posted on Feb 21, 2013 in Birth Insights

Have you heard of skin-to-skin? If not, read on. Studies show that skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby is so beneficial for both mom and baby. Why? Did you know that mums will raise or lower their body temperature by two degrees to balance baby's temperature? Dad's also go up and down to provide for their baby's needs. The physical benefits include: Regulating baby's body temperature Regulating baby's breathing More stable heartbeat Higher blood sugar in baby (that's a good thing)...   If that is not enough for you right there, then just know that...

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Why take Childbirth Classes?

Posted on Nov 9, 2012 in Classes & Workshops

Goodness knows we are inundated with information. You probably googled to find this site. There are gobs of information available to us at our fingertips now, and surely with a little research you can find out everything there is to know about birth right from your computer. There are even free prenatal classes offered by many regions and institutions. So, why would anyone want to pay money to come to a class? Simply, because you know that there is something that you can get from real life experience that you can not get from a website or a book.  In our classes, we don't just cover off...

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New grads!

Posted on Oct 24, 2012 in Classes & Workshops

Congratulations to my recent group of Childbirth Education grads... and the fruits of their labour!

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